Getting Started
Everything can change, but not the language that we carry inside us, like a world more exclusive and final than one's mother's womb.
Italo Calvino
Let's Translate
If the words of Italo Calvino (in the quote included on this page) haven't convinced you of the need for a professional translator, or if you're still asking yourself "what makes translation so difficult?" and "why is it so expensive?," the ITA (Israel Translators Association) has kindly prepared a short response, titled The Truth about Translation.
Ready, then?
I am pleased to offer my services in translating from Hebrew to English and from English to Hebrew, in various fields and formats:
Academic books and articles, M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations; abstracts;
Expertise in translating works in the fields of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences;
Translation of promotional and marketing materials, including Website content, resumes, scholarship applications, newsletters, administrative and conference correspondence ,and press releases.
Please send the text to be translated in an email attachment, preferably in a WORD or RTF document. This format facilitates the translation work substantially, resulting in more expedient completion and delivery of the final translated product.
When discussing rates for translating between Hebrew and English, the determining factor is the number of words in English. The accepted industry standard for calculating length of text is 250 words per page.
Please note, the translation rates I offer are based on Israeli market prices.