“Style and structure are the essences of a book; great ideas are hogwash.”
Vladimir Nabokov
lingoLee - Academic Editing
Academic texts in any discipline and of any length or depth –from books to articles, from retrospective studies to abstracts– can be improved by a professional editor. Whether you seek developmental editing, copyediting, or proofreading, you will find me to be an attentive and dedicated editor.
In addition to the editing process, I make sure to read, inform you of, and format the text according to the particular journal requirements or publisher’s style guide. Furthermore, depending on your needs, I can assisst you in handling all related correspondence, and manage the online submission process for you.
For projects involving large manuscripts, I will prepare a style sheet, to ensure formatting consistency throughout the text, and thus facilitate the manipulation of individual chapters.
Given that editing is often a process that requires open channels of communication, I include in this service also the implementation of corrections that were agreed upon during a single review session.
Please take a look at the following list: these are journals that accepted and published articles that I helped prepare for review by either editing or translating and formatting.
Archives of Sexual Behavior, published online
International Emergency Nursing, 61
Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 62
The Educational Forum, published online, February
Journal of Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 3(9)
The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 19(3)
Israel Science Foundation Gateway, F1000 Research, 10(71).
Teaching and Teacher Education, 106
Journal of Education for Teaching, 47(3)
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 16(1)
Kome: An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry, 9(2)
International Journal of Human – Computer Studies, 150
Social Computing and Social Media: Experience Design and Social Network Analysis — Proceedings of the 13th International Conference
OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 41(3)
Nurse Education in Practice, 55,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18
Journal of Human Rights, 20
Journal of Family Trauma, Child Custody, and Child Development, 18(1)
Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30
Quality Assurance in Education, 29(2/3)
Leadership and Policy in Schools, Online, June
Journal of Aging Research, 2021
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 12(S1)
Science and Education, 29
Frontiers in Education, 5
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 52(3)
Review of Religious Research, 62
European Journal of Teacher Education, 43(3)
European Journal of Teacher Education, published online
Health Informatics Journal, 26(1)
Management Information Systems Quarterly, 44(4)
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 29(4)
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 14(1)
Children and Youth Services Review, 115
Oxford Research Encyclopedias, June
Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 21(4)
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 13
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 12(1)
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 110
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(23/24)
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 16(3)
International Journal of Leadership in Education–Theory and Practice 22(6)
Teaching and Teacher Education, 86
Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 20
Journal of Science Teacher Education, 30
International Journal of Science Education, 41(5)
Teaching and Teacher Education, 79
Journal of Education for Teaching, 45(3)
L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 19
Israel Affairs, 25
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 28(10)
Proceedings of ATEE Spring Conference: Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education,
Leadership and Policy in Schools, 17(1)
International Journal of Educational Management, 32(1)
Research in Science Education, 48(6),
Journal of Biological Education, 52
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39(3)
Frontiers in Psychology, September
Quality Assurance in Education, 26(4)
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 28
International Journal of Leadership in Education, 21(3)
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 55(6)
American Journal of Educational Research, 5(7)
World Leisure Journal, 59(3)
Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 5(18)
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 16(3)
Informatics, 3(3)
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(2)
The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism
Psychology, 7(6)
International Journal on Disability and Human Development,14(1)
Higher Education Studies, 5(1)
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 23(1)
Psychology Research, 5(11)
Clinical Interventions in Aging, 10
Gender & Education, 25(5)
Advances in Aging Research, 4(2)
Teaching and Teacher Education, 42
International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 13
The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 12
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35
Journal of Educational Administration
Israeli Journal of Health Policy Research
Israel Affairs, 20(2)
International Journal of Education for Diversities, 2(4)
Journal of Education and Learning, 2(1)
International Journal of Education, 5(4)
The Arts in Psychotherapy
The International Journal of Education for Diversities
British Journal of Special Education
International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Journal of Physical Therapy Education
Journal of Strategic Studies
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
Illness, Crisis & Loss, 19(4)
Computers in Human Behavior
Education Canada
Hebrew studies A Journal Devoted to Hebrew Language and Literature
International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health
The Law & Ethics of Human Rights
Theoretical Inquiries in Law
World Futures: The Journal of Global Education
So, what’s next?
Here are some things we’ll need to consider in order to get started.